Marc GoldringComment


Marc GoldringComment

I’m a slow photographer, perhaps a slow artist. I walk the same walk most mornings, usually with my camera or at least my phone. I see the same things most days. Often, I will notice something that feels worth shooting, but not shoot it, at least not right then. It happened with this stand of sumac. I’ve noticed it many times and enjoyed its architecture, the opening half way up as well as the cover overhead. Understory/overstory…just like a tree…

One morning last week, the light was such that I stopped and took half a dozen shots of the sumac. I was moved by the gentle highlighting from the early morning light and the branches covered with subtly wind-moving flowers. It feels worth the wait to get this capture and while It doesn’t always work this way, in this case, the image echoes exactly what I love about this tree.